You have 30 calendar days including weekends to return your item to Andrews Jewelers for a full refund. The item must be postmarked no later than the 30th calendar day from the date we shipped the item to you. If you have questions about the last date that you'll be eligible for a return, you should call 716-630-7091 as soon as possible.
Items eligible for return or refund must be free from damage or alteration; any item showing signs of damage, sizing, or engraving will not be refunded. If the item has been previously worn and shows signs of wear it may not be eligible for refund. Items that have been discounted from our published online selling price are considered final sales and will not be refunded.
You must attain shipping insurance on the item you are returning to Andrews Jewelers; any package not showing proper shipping insurance will be refused receipt. Insure the package for the amount that you have paid for the item. Andrews Jewelers will not be responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged items of return shipments.
Ship your package back to Andrews Jewelers using the US Postal Service - Registered Mail. No other shipping methods will be accepted. Insure your package for the entire amount of your purchase and affix your return sticker or write the RA# on the package. Packages not accompanied with an RA# will be refused receipt. Include all support materials originally sent to you with the item including any grading lab certifications. You will be charged $200 for any certifications not sent back with returns.
You must have the RA# affixed or written clearly on the package you are shipping. To receive an RA# you should contact us. In your email please include your first name, last name, phone number and we'll send you an RA#; any package sent without a Return Authorization Code will be refused receipt.
Items that have been specially ordered or custom made will not be eligible for return. This includes changing the metal color or type, gemstone types, and special finger sizes. Standard finger sizes are 5.00 – 7.50 for ladies rings and 8.50 – 11.00 for men’s rings. Rings that have been ordered in sizes smaller or larger than these sizes are considered special orders and will not be eligible for return.
Andrews Jewelers will be happy to make adjustments to the finger size on your ring purchase that you make with us for the life of the
purchase (most wedding rings can't be sized and must be exchanged within 30 days to be eiligible for a new size). In some cases it
may be determined that a ring cannot be sized after it has been made in the size that you have given us. It is your responsibility to
provide Andrews Jewelers with a correct finger size and to be aware of what rings can't be sized again, once made.
Whenever you have questions concerning this matter you should call 716-630-7091 and speak to a salesperson before ordering your
ring. You'll need to attain a Return Authorization# and also pay a $79 fee to process your order. This fee covers the cost for shipping,
insurance and handling costs. In some cases a 10% re-stocking fee may also apply, this is calculated from the original purchase price
of the item.
Please note that if you have purchased multiple items only to compare them and return the unwanted items, your refund eligibility will be voided. In order to keep our costs down and provide the lowest prices on the internet we can't afford to incur senseless shipping and re-stocking costs associated with such actions. In this type of event both items will no longer be eligible for return.